Tokai | An integrated structure

Tokai | An integrated structure

Cobute and Geoplast SA supplied this residential project in Tokai, Cape Town, with both precast concrete shutters for beams and decking as well as Modulo permanent formwork for ventilated foundations, in recycled polypropylene.


MODULO by Geoplast was chosen for its unbeatable characteristics: quick installation, concrete savings and  ventilation benefits. In fact, by creating a crawling space between the ground and first floor, the issues related to rising damp, radon gas and humidity are minimized.


When it comes to the structure, Cobute supplied its patented shutters for the structure concrete roof and gutter beam. The shutters were chosen for the seamless integration between the elements, as well as the decking fire rating certification the unique Cobute slab holds.

Moreover, the edgge rib/shutter to concrete slab was used. The edge of the rib is manufactured higher than roof slab, to make allowance for screeding to fall at a later stage.


Have you got any further questions about this residential project? Click on the button below to contact us!

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Bookap | A charming internal courtyard

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Geotub | Kiss conventional formwork goodbye