Sellesa Properties | Slab at Hampton Place

Sellesa Properties | Slab at Hampton Place

The unique patented innovative Cobute's rib and block system has been chosen by Sellesa Properties for Hampton Place, their latest residential project. The decking is currently being installed on two double-storey residential units, for a total of 562 square metres. Three extra units required the Cobute decking on their second floor, being the lightest decking available; therefore ensuring a light but sound structure.

The foundations for Hampton Place have been built using the raft foundation system Modulo by Geoplast. 

Below are some images from the first-floor and second-floor installation and casting. 


The second floor has also been installed and concrete has been cast,with shutters in place.


Enquire about using Cobute's precast solutions on your next current project.






Walmer Estate | Extension and alterations

Walmer Estate | Extension and alterations