Geoplast WALL-Y | walls are blossoming

Geoplast WALL-Y | walls are blossoming

Gardeners and florists are the happiest of all the professions ... nearly twice as happy as people in more prestigious and better paid jobs.

Professor Paul Dolan, UK Economist and Behavioural Scientist is not the only in raving about the benefits of gardening and fostering that direct contact with Nature. A sincere Well Done to the Garden Day Team that launched the very first official celebration in South Africa of the green spaces we surround ourselves in. The weather on Sunday the 9th was a gorgeous and sunny day, which made hopping around the pots even more enchanting!

If you're looking for tips on how to give your garden a makeover ( and a good laugh too), check Suzelle DIY's video below


What if you live in a flat or a house without a garden to enjoy? As long as you have walls there is still room for plants to climb! Wall-Y is Geoplast's modular solution in recycled polypropylene for ventilated green walls. The grids are UV resistant, strong and durable and allow fast rooting.

There is always room to climb with Wall-y Geoplast

There is always room to climb with Wall-y Geoplast

With beautiful spring and summer months ahead of us, water-wise gardens will be blooming. For gardening tips, check here the latest Babylostoren app!

Wall-Y: make your neighbours' walls green with envy!


 Concrete, felt and a pile of dung | ‘Verweile doch!’ (Stay a while!)

Concrete, felt and a pile of dung | ‘Verweile doch!’ (Stay a while!)

Urban Xchanger | The Table House

Urban Xchanger | The Table House